16 Feb 2010 17:17

Corrected - Athens could sign deal on Burgas-Alexandroupolis project company

(To correct Burgas-Alexandroupoli to Burgas-Alexandroupolis in headline and throughout article and Greek Prime Minister Geroge Papandreou to Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou in news item issued February 16 at 04:58 p.m. Moscow time)

MOSCOW. Feb 16 (Interfax) - Greece is ready to sign an agreement about a project company for the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou told journalists after meeting with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin Moscow.

"We have agreed to continue efforts on Burgas-Alexandroupolis in the near future. This is a mutual desire," he said. "I do not see anything preventing us progressing with the project more dynamically, naturally, in cooperation with Bulgaria," the Greek prime minister said.

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