19 Jul 2010 10:45

MICEX share-trading opens mixed, index dips 0.05%

MOSCOW. July 19 (Interfax) - Share-trading on the MICEX exchange began on Monday with mixed movement among benchmark stocks, and the MICEX index dipped 0.05% right off.

By 10:31 a.m. Moscow time, the MICEX index was at 1326.82, the RTS index was down 0.21% at 1386.95 points, and most blue chips had moved within 1% either way. RTS futures were down 5.5 points against the underlying asset.

VTB was down 0.4% on the MICEX, Norilsk Nickel had slipped 0.1%, Polyus Gold 0.3%, Rostelecom 0.9%, and Tatneft 0.01%.

But Gazprom was up 0.2%, Lukoil had gained 0.03%, Rosneft 0.1%, Sberbank of Russia 0.2%, and Surgutneftegas 0.4%.