Rosstat improves Q1 GDP growth evaluation to 3.1%, refines #'s for 2006-2008
MOSCOW. Sept 8 (Interfax) - The Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) has published a revisitation of GDP figures for the last few years, improving its evaluation of Q1 2010 to 3.1% from the previous 2.9%, and taken a fresh look at the last seven years.
"The reconsider dynamics of GDP and its components were published considering the latest changes to calculation methodology and the information base. Considered were a revisitation of 2006 industrial-output indices; directly measurable services in financial broking distributed by user (between end and interim consumers); consumption by households of grouped goods and services by Classification of Individual Consumption by Targest (KIPTs); added value presented for 79 groups of OKVED [All-Russia Classification of Types of Economic Activity] in place of earlier published data for 15 categories of OKVED; and considered were the results of the All-Russia Agricultural Census," Rosstat said in its report.
The previous GDP growth rates for 2003-2005 were left unchanged at a respective 7.3%, 7.2%, and 6.4%.
Rosstat improved its evaluation of GDP growth for 2006 from 7.7% to 8.2%, for 2007 to 8.5% from 8.1%, by lowered that for 2008 to 5.2% from 5.6%. It left unchanged at 7.9% its evaluation of 2009 GDP growth, while refining quarterly dynamics: in Q1 2009 - 9.3% (instead of 9.4%), in Q2 - 11% (10.8%), in Q3 - 8.6% (7.7%), and Q4 - 2.9% (3.8%).