TCB plans to ink $325 mln credit deal with 12 banks Oct 6 - source
MOSCOW. Oct 1 (Interfax) - TransCreditBank (TCB) plans on October 6 to sign a syndicated loan agreement for $325 million with a group of twelve banks, a source in banking circles told Interfax.
The two-year credit is being raised at LIBOR+2.75%.
The coordinator of the deal is WestLB. Also in the syndicate are Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Citibank, Commerzbank, ING Bank J.P. Morgan, Raiffeisen Zentralbank Oesterreich AG, UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Banca Intesa, Natixis, and Credit Europe Bank.
TCB ended H1 2010 in 14th place by assets on the Interfax-100 ranking of Russia's biggest banks.