11 Oct 2010 18:25

Gazprom needs to price its product appropriately - Putin

NOVY URENGOI. Oct 11 (Interfax) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is of the view that gas-producing companies should not raise their product prices, Gazprom especially.

"As for gas companies, and most of Gazprom, they ought to ensure acceptable and economically justifiable prices for their product. Right now, several Russian regions are being offered gas at a price higher than for foreign consumers," Putin said at meeting dedicated to a draft of a general scheme for developing the country's gas industry in the period until 2030.

There are objective circumstances for this, Putin said. "Nevertheless, I consider the entire burden must not be put on consumption. These gas companies themselves need to work seriously to cut costs, to get rid of superfluous, ineffective spending both in construction and in the use of infrastructural facilities. To apply modern technical solutions and work with suppliers," he said.