Yanukovych: Venezuelan oil supplies to Belarus via Ukraine do not affect Russia
KYIV. Oct 18 (Interfax) - A deal for Venezuelan oil deliveries to Belarus via Ukraine, which has been struck in Kyiv, does not affect Russian interests, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych announced Monday.
"I have never heard that Russia has interfered in the issue [of Venezuelan oil supplies to Belarus through Ukraine]. We think that the way it has been handled doesn't contradict Russian interests," Yanukovych told a joint press conference after meeting with his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez in Kyiv.
Asked how much Venezuelan oil would cross Ukraine, Yanukovych replied that it would transport all Venezuelan oil shipped to Ukrainian Black Sea ports.
Transportation will be carried out both in tanks and through an oil pipeline, he said.
Chavez, for his part, noted that should the oil deal with Belarus and possible deals with Ukraine constitute a threat to anyone, no such initiatives would have been made.