CORRECTED: Ukraine boosts iron ore production 19% in 11 mths
(Headline first paragraph adjusted)
KYIV. Dec 1 (Interfax) - Ukraine boosted crude iron ore production tentatively 19% year-on-year to 70.863 million tonnes in the first 11 months of 2010.
The Dnipropetrovsk-based Metallurgprom association told Interfax that iron ore concentrate production, too, soared 19% year-on-year, to 58.628 million tonnes.
Iron ore pellet production grew 14% to 20.443 million tonnes and sinter - 14% to 35.999 million tonnes.
Ukrainian iron ore concentrate production fell 3% to 54.853 million tonnes in 2009. Prepared iron ore fell 13% to 55.28 million tonnes, including pellets - 20.435 million tonnes (up 0.1%) and sinter - 34.845 million tonnes (down 19%); and crude iron ore was down 8% to 65.827 million tonnes.