Moscow Duma passes 2011 1.4 trillion ruble budget
MOSCOW. Dec 8 (Interfax) - Members of the Moscow City Duma have voted unanimously for the passage of the Moscow 2011 budget additionally reviewed after first reading at the request of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.
For the first time Communists, who have been represented in the Moscow Duma since 2005, voted for the Moscow budget passage.
Eventually, the document was supported by all 33 MPs attending the session.
The Moscow mayor made a program speech about the city's further budget policy prior to the passage of the document at the Moscow City Duma.
Spending in 2011 will increase by 11% compare to 2010 and will stand at 1.3897 trillion rubles, income will increase by 17% to 1.2437 trillion rubles, while the deficit will drop by 23% to 146.1 billion rubles.