22 Dec 2010 15:58

Alleged embezzlement during ESPO construction leads to searches in Moscow - source

MOSCOW. Dec 22 (Interfax) - Searches are currently under way in Moscow under a criminal case dealing with the embezzlement of money belonging to Transneft during the construction of the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean (ESPO) oil pipeline, a law enforcement source told Interfax on Wednesday.

"The searches are under way at a commercial bank and also at private houses belonging to some suspects in this criminal case," he said.

The criminal case dealing with the embezzlement of money belonging to Transneft "was opened back in 2008, long before the scandalous publication by the blogger Alexei Navalny," he said.

The criminal investigation was opened due to a report by the new management of Transneft, the source said.

Interfax could not immediately obtain official confirmation of this information.