17 Jan 2011 17:46

Fixed investment in Kazakhstan down 0.5% in 2010

ASTANA. Jan 17 (Interfax) - Investment in fixed assets in Kazakhstan totaled 4.773 trillion tenge in 2010, 0.5% less than in 2009, the State Statistics Agency said.

Mining and quarrying received the biggest share of all investment in fixed assets or 36% of the total.

Investment by the biggest companies declined 3.4% to 2.243 trillion tenge (147.07 tenge/$1 on Jan. 17).

Major companies accounted for 47% of total investment in 2010, up from 48.4% in the 2009. Medium enterprises provided 13.3% (22.7%) and small enterprises - 39.7% (28.9%).

Companies themselves provided 45.9% of the investment in 2010 (18.9% in 2009), the budget - 21.1% (18.9%), foreign investment - 24.4% (37%) and borrowed funds - 8.6% (11.5%).