13 Sep 2017 13:37

OPEC production cut compliance at 82% in Aug, non-OPEC - 118% - IEA

MOSCOW. Sept 13 (Interfax) - Compliance by OPEC countries with the oil production cut agreement was 82% in August, while the non-OPEC countries who are party to the agreement had 118% compliance, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in a monthly report.

It was the first time compliance by the non-OPEC countries has exceeded 100%, the IEA said.

According to Interfax calculations based on data published by OPEC on Tuesday, OPEC compliance was at 95% in August. The main source of the disparity between the IEA and OPEC figures is Venezuela, whose compliance was just 49% according to the IEA but 160% according to OPEC (production cut by 150,000 bpd).

Production cut compliance by country (oil volumes in mln bpd):

Country Production benchmark Reduction quota Reduction, Aug 2017 Compliance in August Average compliance in 2017
Algeria 1.09 -0.05 -0.03 58% 63%
Angola* 1.75 -0.078 -0.06 78% 129%
Ecuador 0.55 -0.026 -0.01 31% 69%
Equatorial Guinea 0.14 -0.012 -0.02 167% 132%
Gabon 0.2 -0.009 -0.01 133% 15%
Iran 3.71 0.09 0.11 -
Iraq 4.56 -0.21 -0.08 39% 38%
Kuwait 2.84 -0.131 -0.14 105% 100%
Qatar 0.65 -0.03 -0.04 127% 118%
Saudi Arabia 10.54 -0.486 -0.54 112% 122%
UAE 3.01 -0.139 -0.1 74% 53%
Venezuela 2.07 -0.095 -0.05 49% 11%
Total OPEC 31.11 -1.176 -0.97 82% 86%
Azerbaijan 815 -0.035 -0.078 223% 103%
Kazakhstan 1.778 -0.02 -0.054 268% na
Mexico 2.4 -0.1 -0.17 170% 94%
Oman 1.02 -0.045 -0.043 95% 96%
Russia 11.597 -0.3 -0.316 105% 74%
Other (Bahrain, Brunei, Malaysia, Sudan, South Sudan) 1.207 -0.046 -0.018 -39% -8%
Total non-OPEC 18.816 -0.546 -0.642 118% 68%