Foreigners in Russian military allowed to take part in peacekeeping, anti-terrorist operations abroad - order
MOSCOW. Oct 9 (Interfax-AVN) - Servicemen who are foreign citizens are now allowed to participate in peacekeeping and anti-terrorist operations abroad, according to the executive order signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The order, which adjusts the military service regulations, was published on the official legal data portal on Monday.
The order allows foreign servicemen to take part in the hostilities, accomplish missions in the periods of state of emergency or martial law, and join peacekeeping and anti-terrorist operations outside Russia.
It also allows conscripts to sign a one-year military-service contract at least a month before the date of their discharge in case they wish to serve during the state of emergency, or participate in peacekeeping or anti-terrorist operations outside Russia, or join naval voyages.
The order allows a reservist to sign a military-service contract for the period of up to 12 month for operating under the state of emergency, or participating in peacekeeping or anti-terrorist operations outside Russia, or joining naval voyages.