Ukraine detains National Guard servicewoman for passing classified info to Russian special services
KYIV. Oct 11 (Interfax) - The Ukrainian Security Service has detained a National Guard servicewoman on suspicion of passing classified information to Russian special services, Ukrainian Security Service chief Vasyl Hrytsak said.
"A servicewoman of the Ukrainian National Guard who had access to secret information was detained on October 5, 2017. This is a woman who served at the National Guard's central storage base [...] The servicewoman's name is Rodionova," Hrytsak said at a news briefing in Kyiv on Wednesday.
"She passed along a substantial amount of restricted-access information. As you understand, regardless of what she did at the Ukrainian National Guard's central storage base, having access to restricted-access information, she did harm to Ukraine's defense capability," Hrytsak said.
Russian special services recruited the woman in the summer of 2016, trained her to encrypt information and provided her with special equipment, he said.
The detained suspect is now actively collaborating with the investigation, Hrytsak said.
The Security Service website said the suspect worked as a technician at the information support division of the National Guard's central storage base and was recruited while visiting her sister living in Moscow.
"The woman copied files with nearly 40 documents selected on orders from Russian special services and sent them from her personal tablet through a secret chat created by her handlers in an Internet messenger," it said.
The woman has been notified that she is suspected of committing a crime classed by the Ukrainian Criminal Code as high treason. An investigation is under way.