Deliveries of modernized Su-25SM3 attack aircraft to Russian Aerospace Forces to start in November
MOSCOW. Oct 21 (Interfax-AVN) - The deliveries of Sukhoi Su-25SM3 attack aircraft to the Russian Aerospace Forces after undergoing modernization at the 121st Aircraft Repair Plant in Kubinka, the Moscow region, will begin in November, an aviation industry source told Interfax-AVN.
"The first phase of special flight tests of the most advanced version of the modernized Su-25SM3 attack plane should be completed this month, which makes it possible to start their deliveries to the Russian Aerospace Forces in November," the source said.
After modernization, the Su-25SM3 attack aircraft has the latest onboard navigation, communication, and defense equipment and weapons, he said.
"This has been the second major modernization of this attack aircraft. Earlier, standard Su-25 aircraft were modernized into the Su-25SM version. They have perfectly performed in a real combat situation in Syria during aerial support missions and airstrikes upon the terrorist organization ISIL banned in Russia," the source said.
Unofficial information indicates that a total of more than 80 Su-25s have been modernized into the Su-25SM version.