26 Oct 2017 12:10

Kazakhstan's Tau-Ken Altyn to reach commercial production levels in two years

ALMATY. Oct 26 (Interfax) - The Tau-Ken Altyn gold refinery, part of the Tau-Ken Samruk National Mining Company, plans to increase its annual production capacity to 25 tonnes of gold in the next two years, Tau-Ken Altyn Director Meiramgali Tleuzhanov said.

"We plan to reach design capacity in 2018-2019, which is 25 tonnes of refined gold a year. We are confident that we can handle that," Tleuzhanov said on Thursday.

This year, the refinery supplied 15 tonnes of gold to the National Bank and plans to supply 20 tonnes next year.

The Tau-Ken Samruk gold refinery, which is part of the Tau-Ken Samruk National Mining Company, began operating in December 2013. The construction of the refinery, which started in July 2012, cost 4.5 billion tenge. The design capacity of the refinery is 25 tonnes of refined gold and 50 tonnes of silver a year. The production capacity of the refinery will later increase to 70-75 tonnes.