Russian Investigative Committee views mental instability of Felgengauer's assailant as main crime theory
MOSCOW. Oct 26 (Interfax) - The mental instability of Boris Grits, who is accused of stabbing Tatyana Felgengauer, the deputy chief editor at the Ekho Moskvy radio station, is the main theory to explain this crime, Russian Investigative Committee spokesperson Svetlana Petrenko said.
"The way Grits behaved during detention and interrogation shows that he is troubled and mentally unstable, to say the least," Petrenko told Interfax on Friday.
"Detectives have no other tangible evidence to support any other theories at the moment," she said.
"Therefore, remarks by lawyers about any secret motive behind this crime or the participation of any other persons in it are absolutely unfounded," Petrenko said
The mental condition of Grits "is being established by experts," she said.
"The evidence collected over this period has enabled the detectives to draw a rather full and objective picture of the crime and bring murder charges against Boris Grits on that basis," Petrenko said.
Grits broke into the Ekho Moskvy radio station's office and stabbed Felgengauer on October 23. The victim was taken to the Sklifosofsky Hospital, and the assailant was arrested.
According to the police, Grits is a foreign citizen, presumably residing in Israel. A criminal inquiry has been opened on a count of attempted murder. Reportedly, the attack was unrelated to Felgengauer's professional activity.
The detainee failed to give a coherent answer to the question why he did what he did; he only said that he was "in telepathic contact" with the journalist.