Central Bank to issue 200 bln rubles in KOBR bonds maturing on March 14
MOSCOW. Nov 30 (Interfax) - The Central Bank of Russia has decided to make a new issue of Bank of Russia Coupon Bonds (KOBR), the Central Bank said on its website.
The issue (Series 4-04-22BR1-7) includes 200 million bonds, each with par value of 1,000 rubles. The coupon period is 92 days and the placement date is December 12, 2017. The bonds mature on March 14, 2018. The coupon rate equals the Central Bank's key rate.
Bonds from the new issue will be placed to the extent needed, taking into account expected banking sector liquidity, to absorb the stable component of the structural liquidity surplus.
Information on the KOBR auction will be published separately.