Volodin calls for general int'l classification of illegal drugs
MOSCOW. Dec 4 (Interfax) - Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin has proposed creating standards for the creation of international lists of prohibited psychotropic substances and drugs at an international conference on the fight against drug trafficking in Moscow
"If we want to fight the dissemination of drugs effectively, it is important for us to establish cooperation. We need to work together on common approaches to the formation of lists of narcotics and psychotropic substances, on improving healthcare standards," Volodin said at the international conference Parliamentarians Against Drugs being held the State Duma on Monday.
"You know that no country can handle this task alone," Volodin said.
The drug mafia is now trying to convince young people that some drugs are harmless, he said.
"Our national legislations do not classify the same narcotic substances in the same way. And drug criminals take advantage of that: drugs prohibited in one country are disseminated to a different country, where the formula is still legal," Volodin said.
It is obvious that coordination of the actions taken by parliamentarians from different countries is becoming vital and necessary in the fight against this evil, he said.
"Our work could be more effective if we made model legislation on these issues. We should work on the principle of the joint and equal liability of all countries," Volodin said.
It is necessary to analyze legislation to prevent situations where one country creates problems for neighboring countries by changing its legislation, he said, adding that this applies above all to the liberalization and legalization of so-called light drugs.