11 Dec 2017 11:44

Rotation of governors to continue in 2018 - Matviyenko

MOSCOW. Dec 11 (Interfax) - The rotation of governors will continue next year, Russian Federation Council Chairwoman Valentina Matviyenko said.

"No dismissals of governors are planned before the end of this year. As for next year, the routine rotation of those governors whose powers are expiring and who do not plan to go for another term will continue, or there will be rotation for other reasons," Matviyenko said in an interview published on RBC's website.

However, she did not name any names. "It's not within our purview, so I can only assume," she said.

The dismissals of governors that took place this year were a routine rotation, she said. "The social, economic, and financial situations in the regions remained stable with the arrival of the new governors, no revolutions happened," Matviyenko said.

"That confirms that these kinds of staff changes are prepared, studied, and conducted in a routine manner," she said.