21 Dec 2017 19:16

Most Russians expecting new corruption scandals, dismissals of ministers in 2018 - poll

MOSCOW. Dec 21 (Interfax) - Most Russians are expecting new corruption scandals and dismissals of ministers in 2018 (63% vs. 60% a year ago), the Levada Analytical Center told Interfax.

Fifty percent of 1,600 people polled in 137 populated localities in 48 regions on December 1-5 said an economic crisis was possible in Russia next year.

There is a higher percentage of those expecting mass protests (35% vs. 21% a year ago), inter-ethnic clashes (29% vs. 17%), and major man-made accidents (36% vs. 27%) next year.

The number of people fearing a war with the United States or NATO in 2018 has doubled, from 10% in 2016 to 23% now.

Twenty-three percent did not rule out an armed conflict with a neighbor next year.

About a third said Russia might encounter mass epidemics (30% vs. 26% a year ago) and an escalation of tensions in the North Caucasus (29% vs. 22%).

The least probable option is a coup (15% vs. 9% last year), the sociologists said.