Kamaz boosts production 12% to 39,500 assembly kits in 2017
MOSCOW. Jan 11 (Interfax) - Kamaz boosted production 12% to 39,525 truck assembly kits in 2017; a total of 4,200 truck kits were manufactured in December, the company said.
Cummins Kama manufactured and shipped to consumers over 4,500 engines and power trains in December and nearly 42,000 in the year as a whole, up 10.5%. It also shipped spare parts and components worth 23 billion rubles in 2017, and 2 billion rubles in December. Sales of diversification products totaled 1.84 billion rubles in December and amounted to 8 billion rubles in 2017, up 20%.
The company said sales results for December and 2017 as a whole would be published later.