22 Jan 2018 13:40

Unclear if Putin to meet with Syrian National Dialogue Congress participants - Kremlin

MOSCOW. Jan 22 (Interfax) - For now, the work schedule of Russian President Vladimir Putin does not include a meeting with the participants in the Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Sochi, but this schedule is flexible, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said.

"I am unable to confirm this for you at the moment. [The president] has a rather busy work schedule that includes regional trips, which is why no such events have been planned for now, but the president's schedule is flexible, as you know," Peskov said when asked whether Putin plans to meet with participants in the congress.

"Again, I can't say right now whether or not it'll happen," he said.

As for the effect the situation unfolding in northern Syria may have on preparations for the congress, Peskov said, "Preparations [for the congress] continue to be discussed with all interested parties."

Peskov said he "was not yet ready" to say whether the developments in Syria's Afrin had created any complications.