Yemen's future should be decided at talks where interests of all political forces taken into account - Russian Foreign Ministry
MOSCOW. Jan 29 (Interfax) - The Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed concern about reports of hostilities in Yemen and said that the country's future should be decided through negotiations where the interests of all political forces are taken into account.
"Moscow is concerned by this turn of events, which threatens a new round of armed conflict in Yemen and the expansion of the range of its participants. We are still convinced that issues concerning the Republic of Yemen's future, including its state-territorial arrangement, should be resolved not with weapons, but at the negotiating table, following the conclusion of the military and political conflict and through the accommodation of the interests and concerns of all of the country's leading political forces," the ministry said in a statement on its website on Monday.
Moscow will continue doing everything it can to facilitate this, the ministry said.
According to recent reports, "Armed clashes between units of the Yemeni Republican Guard and supporters of the so-called Transitional Council, which advocates for the extensive autonomy of the southern part of Yemen to the point of creating a separate state there, occurred in the main city in southern Yemen, Aden, which is controlled by the legitimate authorities of the Republic of Yemen, on January 28," the statement said.
According to reports, the total death toll has already reached 20 people, and dozens more have been injured, the ministry said.