23 Mar 2018 18:31

Poroshenko sets task to reach 5-6% of GDP annual growth rate in Ukraine

KYIV. March 23 (Interfax) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko deemed 5-6% GDP annual growth rate as an important task for the country's economy.

"The key task is to reach at least 5-6% of GDP annual growth rate," the head of state said at a meeting with officials of the Volyn Region in Lutsk on Friday.

According to the State Statistics Committee, the GDP rise stood at about 2.5% in 2017, he said.

"The government is working on accelerating the economic surge. I as president will be doing everything to help the government in this," Poroshenko said.

At the same time, the average salary in Ukraine should be at least UAH 10,000, he said.