3 Apr 2018 14:28

'Mobile voter' mechanism enables 4 mln to cast their ballots in Russian presidential election - Pamfilova

MOSCOW. April 3 (Interfax) - The 'mobile voter' mechanism enabled four million Russians to cast their ballots in the presidential election of March 18, Central Elections Commission Chairperson Ella Pamfilova said at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday.

"About 1.6 million voters used absentee certificates in the 2012 election; if we subtract that number from 5.69 million voters who used the new mechanism, we will have four million people who [cast their ballots in such a manner] for the first time. In fact, we gave them that opportunity," Pamfilova said.

Many people in the country do not live at places of their registered residence but "work somewhere else;" the new mechanism has given them a chance to vote, she said.

According to Pamfilova, the new mechanism is better than the so-called absentee certificate used earlier.

"You know, we have abolished two 'laws of serfdom' in those elections. There was the election 'law of serfdom', which attached a person to the polling station at his or her place of residence. For instance, a person who has a registered address in Magadan but works in Kaliningrad had to buy a ticket from Kaliningrad [to Magadan], acquire an absentee certificate, and vote [in Kaliningrad]. That is no longer necessary," Pamfilova said.

Any person could file a statement at the place of stay and choose the nearest polling station 45 days before the ballot via the public services portal, multifunctional centers, or territorial commissions, she said.

"The information was added to the Vybory state automated system, and people could go to the polls," she said.

The new mechanism significantly increased the number of voters, Pamfilova said.

"We were working very closely with [the Russian Federal Tourism Agency] Rosturism, which proved helpful for those working abroad or going on vacation. An unprecedented number of people cast their ballots abroad," she said.

The measure has ensured constitutional rights of citizens and voters, Putin said.

"We have done our best to cover every category, even those who were late, within just a few days. We have a special mechanism [for doing so]. Security was provided on a high level," Pamfilova said.