3 Apr 2018 20:09

OSCE sec gen accuses Donbas sides of cynical attitude to civilians

MOSCOW. April 3 (Interfax) - Both parties to the conflict in Ukraine violate the Minsk Agreements and have a cynical attitude to civilians, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Secretary General Thomas Greminger said.

With respect to ceasefire violations and the general implementation of the Minsk Agreements, it is useless looking for someone to blame, because there are clear violations by both parties, Greminger said at a meeting with Federation Council Foreign Affairs Committee head Konstantin Kosachyov in Moscow on Tuesday.

Heavy weapons are not where they should be, and there are issues with the disengagement of the sides, the restoration of critical infrastructure facilities, and with checkpoints, he said, adding that a cynical attitude to civilians is obvious on both sides.

Both of the parties also restrict OSCE monitors' freedom of movement; employees of the monitoring missions do not have sufficient access, either in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces or in the self-proclaimed republics, Greminger said.

A new political boost is needed to overcome this political deadlock, he said.