Telegram asks court to defer hearing of Roskomnadzor suit set for April 12 - lawyer
MOSCOW. April 11 (Interfax) - Lawyers for the messenger Telegram have forwarded a petition to Moscow's Tagansky District Court to defer the hearing of a suit filed by the telecommunications watchdog Roskomnadzor seeking its blockage.
"As Telegram has been designated a party to the proceedings, its representatives have asked the court to defer the conversation to a later time so that they can study the materials and get prepared. A relevant petition has been forwarded to the Tagansky Court," Pavel Chikov, the head of the international law firm Agora, whose lawyers are representing Telegram's interests in the suit, wrote on his Telegram channel on Wednesday.
Telegram is a foreign company, and the authority to represent it needs to be formalized "not through a simple written letter of attorney but through an apostille and other logistical intricacies," he wrote.
"Nobody is prepared and nobody is supposed to get up and run to a court on short notice, the next morning," Chikov wrote.