Russia to cope with Western sanctions, retaliate to encroachments on security - Kadyrov
MOSCOW. April 13 (Interfax) - Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Chechnya, said he is confident that Russia can deal with the new wave of Western sanctions.
"Russia is a rich country. We have natural resources. We have everything. We don't live in debt. We have military might. Even Cuba, a small country, has lived well under the U.S. sanctions for almost 70 years. Compare their situation to ours: there is a huge difference! We can provide ourselves with everything," Kadyrov said in an interview with Interfax.
"We need to understand once and for all that we are surrounded by enemies and bear that in mind when taking actions," he said. "Of course, we have some 'dogs who are for sale' who run around the dollar, the United States, the West, who provide consultations to Russia's enemies on where to strike the economy, trying to do all kinds of bad things [...] It won't work! Nothing will work," Kadyrov said.
"Russia can build an independent economy and provide itself with everything it needs. I am confident that despite the external pressure, Russia will, on the contrary, strengthen its positions," he said.
"A new generation of politicians will come to power in the West in a few years, and they will make appropriate decisions," he said.
As for the threats to use force against Russia made in the West, Kadyrov said that "Russia now has such might [in the sphere of weapons] created by our scientists and military specialists that not a single instance of real encroachments on Russia's security will be left without a good and sensitive response."
No one in Russia wants war, and everyone wants to strengthen peace, Kadyrov said. He called on the administrations of the U.S. and other Western countries to cooperate in the fight against international terrorism.