18 Apr 2018 20:20

Donetsk Filtering Station's operation halted, personnel being evacuated

DONETSK. April 18 (Interfax) - The Donetsk Filtering Station (DFS) has stopped operating, the head of the company Water of Donbas, Oleh Mokriy, told Interfax.

"The Donetsk Filtering Station's operation has been halted. Employees are being evacuated," he said.

"The situation is calm now, but while we were on the way to evacuate people, there was some shooting," Mokriy said.

The decision to stop and mothball the DFS was made after vehicles transporting DFS employees came under small-arms fire on Tuesday. Five people were injured.

The DFS's operation will be suspended for five days until the situation stabilizes and a decision is made regarding ensuring employees' security, the DPR envoy to the Joint Center for Control and Coordination (JCCC) told reporters.

"The station's key personnel and employees are hopeful that five days will be enough to stabilize the situation and to take a principled decision to ensure the security of their work. Furthermore, the OSCE SMM has expressed readiness to resume tightened monitoring during shift changes at 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. daily on a permanent basis," the envoy said.