All illegal dump sites inside cities to be removed within 6 years - Putin
MOSCOW. May 7 (Interfax) - All of the illegal urban dump sites, as detected by January 1, 2018, should be eliminated by 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin told the government.
The instruction is contained in a decree entitled "On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period to 2024" which President Putin signed after being sworn in on Monday.
"The Russian government, when drafting a national project in the sphere of ecology, should aim to ensure by 2024 (...)efficient management of production and consumption wastes, including an elimination of all illegal dump sites within urban boundaries detected as of January 1, 2018," the decree, posted on the Kremlin's website, stated.
Other environmental problems for the government to solve by 2024 include: forming a comprehensive solid household waste management system, including eliminating dump sites and re-cultivating the areas where they once were, and creating conditions for re-cycling all production and consumption wastes whose storage is prohibited.
Furthermore, a nationwide public monitoring system must be created to detect and eliminate illegal dump sites.
The decree also orders a radical reduction of the atmospheric pollution level in large industrial centers, including a decrease by at least 20% of the combined volume of pollutants discharged in most polluted cities.