Be-200 amphibious aircraft to get Russian-French engine within 3 years
MOSCOW. May 26 (Interfax-AVN) - The United Engine Corporation (UEC) and the French company Safran have signed a framework agreement to develop a modification of the SaM146 engine for the Be-200 amphibious aircraft, the UEC spokesperson told Interfax.
"UEC Saturn and Safran Aircraft Engines have agreed to modernize (involving serious software upgrade for the digital automatic-control system) of the SaM146 engine currently in use for the purpose of its integration with Be-200 aircraft and subsequent certification of the re-motorized version," the spokesperson said.
"A three-year roadmap has been formed for the creation of three prototypes for trials and certification," the spokesperson said.
The agreement was signed by UAC's General Director Alexander Artyukhov and Safran Aircraft Engines' chief Olivier Andries.
Interfax reported earlier that the Russian government was planning to allocate 3.2 billion rubles to replace Be-200's Ukrainian D-436 engine with SaM146.