1 Jun 2018 13:38

Kyiv court upholds decision on extraditing Saakashvili to Poland

KYIV. June 1 (Interfax) - Kyiv's District Administrative Court has rejected a claim filed by former Georgian president and leader of Ukraine's Movement of New Forces Mikheil Saakashvili contesting the decision of the State Migration Service of Ukraine (SMSU) to send him back to Poland unlawful and seeking the invalidation of actions taken to expel him.

"Having heard Saakashvili's lawsuit against the State Migration Service of Ukraine and the administration of the State Border Service of Ukraine, the District Administrative Court of Kyiv decided to reject Saakashvili's claim. [...] Saakashvili had asked the court to invalidate the SMSU's decision on his readmission to the Republic of Poland and invalidate the actions taken by the SMSU and the State Border Service on readmission, and the plaintiff also asked the court to order the SMSU to reverse that decision," the court's press service said on Friday.

The court found that Saakashvili illegally crossed the Ukrainian-Polish border without permission from the relevant authorities at the Shehyni checkpoint on September 10, 2017.

This ruling was upheld in court decisions that have taken legal force (the ruling of Lviv region's Mostyska District Court, which was upheld by the Appeals Court in Lviv region).

The court also said that following its consideration of the relevant request, the Polish side had agreed to the readmission of Saakashvili and informed the SMSU of this in a letter, a copy of which was included in the materials of the administrative case.