CORRECTED: Gazprom's gas exports rise 4%, production grows 5.1% in first half of June
(headline, first paragraph adjusted)
MOSCOW. June 18 (Interfax) - Gazprom exported 7.6 billion cubic meters of gas to non-FSU countries in the period June 1-15, up 4% from 7.3 bcm in the same period last year, according to the Russian gas giant's data.
Gas exports rose 5.6% or 5 bcm to 93.6 bcm in January 1-June 15 compared to the same period last year.
Production rose 5.1% or 900 million cubic meters to 18.1 bcm in the period June 1-15. It rose 9.1% to 235.4 bcm in the period January 1-June 15. Supplies to the domestic market via the Unified Gas Supply System (UGSS) were up 5.3% or 6.5 bcm since the start of the year.