State Duma approves Audit Chamber's annual report for 2017
MOSCOW. June 20 (Interfax) - The State Duma approved at a session on Wednesday the Audit Chamber's annual report for 2017, which was presented by the newly appointed head of the agency, Alexei Kudrin.
Violations discovered in external state audits last year totaled 1.9 trillion rubles, nearly double the figure for 2016, of which 43.6% was bookkeeping and recordkeeping violations and 32% was budget formation and implementation violations.
The Audit Chamber's work resulted in the return of over 19 billion rubles to the federal budget. "Also, the results of supervision measures by the Audit Chamber resulted in retirement of 46.9 billion rubles in debt owed by Roscosmos to the budget," Kudrin said.
The Audit Chamber opened 389 cases into administrative violations, resulting in 130 individuals and entities paying 15.2 million rubles in fines. "This includes deputy ministers: of the Sport, Russian Far East Development and Industry and Trade ministries. We will expand the practice of naming specific deputy ministers and state officials," Kudrin said.
The Duma's resolution approving the annual report contained two recommendations: that the Audit Chamber systematically monitor implementation of the president's May decree and pay special attention to the analysis and evaluation of goals, targets and effectiveness indicators achieved under the national projects.