Russian food watchdog bans supplies from three Belarusian plants from July 4
MOSCOW. July 4 (Interfax) - The Russian Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) has banned food supplies from three Belarusian plants and placed supplies from another five under close laboratory control as of today.
The Russian watchdog said in materials that in connection with repeated violations of veterinary and sanitary requirements, it had banned imports from OJSC Belaruskalii and Kalinkovichi meat processing plant, where tetracycline had been discovered in beef in both cases; and from the Lokhva trout farm after coliform bacteria was discovered in its products.
The five plants placed under heightened lab supervision are Mozyr Dairy Products, OJSC Moloko (Gorodok division), Moodechno Dairy Plant (Naroch branch), OJSC Milk Hills and Prodinvest, one of the main reasons being a strong presence of nitrates in milk.