2 Aug 2018 21:25

Just Russia proposes banning pension age increase until 2035 - bill

MOSCOW. Aug 2 (Interfax) - A Just Russia's State Duma faction led by the party leader Sergei Mironov is proposing to ban an increase of the retirement age until January 1, 2035, according to amendments to the government pension's bill which passed first Duma reading on July 19.

"We propose that the governmental bill 'On changes to certain Russian legislative acts on the allocation and payment of pensions' should exclude any mention of a retirement age increase until January 1, 2035," the party said on its website on Thursday.

The amendments were co-authored by Mironov and fellow faction members Mikhail Yemelyanov ad Oleg Shein.

The amendments were sent on Thursday to the Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs which is preparing the bill for second reading.

The faction "especially noted the unacceptability of raising the retirement age for citizens working in the Far North."

On July 19 the faction voted against the bill, it recalled.

The proposed law, supported by the United Russia faction, raises the pension age from 55 to 63 for women and from 60 to 65 for men.