Daily bulletins on Syrian refugee problem to be released via de Mistura's office - Russian Foreign Ministry
MOSCOW. Aug 3 (Interfax) - Russian diplomatic missions and the United Nations will be jointly releasing daily bulletins regarding Syrian refugees, the Russian Foreign Ministry's representative Nikolai Burtsev said on Friday.
"Instructions have been sent to Geneva and New York to arrange with the UN for a daily preparation of a bulletin on the problem of Syrian refugees for subsequent distribution among cooperating states and international organizations, including the Secretariat of [UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for Syria] Staffan de Mistura," Burtsev said at a meeting of the interagency coordination headquarters dealing with returning Syrian refugees.
The Russian Embassy in Damascus has been instructed to liaise with Syrian authorities on the subject of providing daily progress reports regarding the formation of a similar Syrian headquarters, and to work directly with adjacent countries, with the UN, the negotiating centers in Astana and Geneva, a monitoring center in Amman, and other agencies, the Russian diplomat said.