Acron boosts EBITDA 7% to 15.7 bln rubles in H1
MOSCOW. Aug 27 (Interfax) - Fertilizer producer Acron increased EBITDA 7% year-on-year to 15.666 billion rubles in H1, the company said in a statement.
EBITDA margin rose to 32% from 31% last year.
Net profit to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) soared 76% year-on-year to 3.425 billion rubles in the first six months of the year.
The company's revenue increases 5% to 49.413 billion rubles. Revenue in dollar equivalent rose 3% to $833 million.
Acron's net debt was up 18% to 71.123 billion rubles in H1 and up 8% in dollars to $1.133 billion rubles. Net debt/EBITDA rose to 2.3x from 2x at the start of the year.
Net operational cash flow increased 42% to 9.467 billion rubles, mainly driven by rising pre-tax profit and a moderate upswing in working capital, the company said.