27 Sep 2018 10:09

Lavrov opposes U.S.' unilateral sanctions against Venezuela

NEW YORK/MOSCOW. Sept 27 (Interfax) - Russia stands against interference in internal affairs of Venezuela, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro at a meeting in New York.

"No doubt, we feel solidarity with the people and government of Venezuela defending their right to choose an independent development path. [U.S.] President [Donald] Trump said yesterday he is strongly against interference in internal affairs and has respect for the sovereignty, and we fully share his view," Lavrov said.

"We are ready to give full assistance to your undertakings in the mechanisms created by Venezuela and Russia. As I understand, a meeting of the intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation is being prepared for next month," he said.

"[Russian] President [Vladimir] Putin sends his greetings and best wishes," Lavrov added.

"The Russian side expressed its invariable solidarity with the people and government of Venezuela defending their right to a sovereign development path without any destructive or even so forceful intervention from abroad," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"Lavrov and Maduro conferred on topical items on the bilateral agenda, the interaction in the UN and other international forums, and the situation in Venezuela and the Latin American region," the ministry said.

Lavrov expressed "the categorical rejection of a policy of unilateral sanctions imposed by Washington on Venezuela and its leaders," the ministry said.