15 Oct 2018 21:11

Human rights activist Kozlovsky, family left Russia - Ingush ombudsman's office

MAGAS. Oct 15 (Interfax) - A member of an international nongovernmental organization, Oleg Koslovskay, has left Russia, a spokesperson for the office of Ingushetia's human rights commissioner told Interfax on Monday.

"According to our data, Oleg Kozlovsky, who was sent to Magas to monitor a rally against the border agreement and claimed to have been beaten and abducted in Ingushetia, has left our country together with his family," the spokesperson said.

The local branch of the Russian Investigative Committee did not receive any written report of the incident from the activist, the spokesman said.

His departure abroad was also confirmed by a source in Ingushetia's government.

"Such information was received. He departed abroad immediately, apparently there were reasons for that," the source said.

On Monday a spokesperson for Amnesty International told Interfax that the organization had asked law enforcement authorities about the kidnaping and violent mistreatment of its employee who had arrived in Ingushetia to monitor protests.