Russian Foreign Ministry questions frankness of U.S.' statements on Yemen
MOSCOW. Nov 9 (Interfax) - Moscow questions the U.S.' plans to change its policy on Yemen amid escalation of the crisis in that country.
"A new surge of escalation of a bloody and devastating armed conflict involving the 'Arab coalition' led by Saudi Arabia has recently been unfolding in Yemen," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement published on its website on Friday.
"It is noteworthy that such negative developments are taking place against the backdrop of the U.S. administration's recent calls to all of the parties to the Yemeni conflict to stop all hostilities within a month and begin talks for a peaceful settlement with the mediation of UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths," the statement reads.
"Given Washington provides the direct military assistance to the 'coalition' forces fighting in Yemen a just question is arising about the frankness of the U.S.' statements in favor of the soonest possible end to the active phase of the conflict in Yemen. Still, everything indicates that the American side is not going to change its policy on the Yemeni track, while the direct sides of the armed confrontation in that country are still staking on the settlement of current disagreements by force," the Foreign Ministry said.
At the same time, the Russian Foreign Ministry "is strongly convinced that there is no military solution to the Yemeni conflict."