Russian embassy sends to Lithuanian Foreign Ministry note over situation with Russian military graves
MOSCOW. Nov 23 (Interfax) - Moscow expects from Vilnius specific, depoliticized steps to resolve the dissatisfactory situation with Russian military graves in this country.
"A relevant note on this matter was sent by our embassy to the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry today," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.
"We are extremely concerned about the destructive actions taken by the Lithuanian authorities, which have de facto led to the blocking of repair and restoration work on Soviet warriors' graves. We especially do not accept the attempts made by the cultural heritage department of the Lithuanian Culture Ministry to force on us the installation on memorial objects of so-called 'information plates' bearing text based on distorted interpretation of the liberating role of the Soviet Army and the outcome of the Second World War," the Russian Foreign Ministry's information and press department said in a commentary posted on its website.
"In this sphere, which is important for bilateral relations, we will continue following the principle of mutuality, including as regards Lithuanian memorial activity on the territory of the Russian Federation," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.