14 Jan 2019 18:52

Russian boosts LNG exports 60% in 11M, oil up 0.5% - customs

MOSCOW. Jan 14 (Interfax) - Russia exported 246.6 million tonnes of oil to non-CIS countries in January-November 2018, 0.5% more than in the same period in 2017r, the Federal Customs Service (FCS) said.

Natural gas exports rose 6% to 202.2 billion cubic meters (bcm). Exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) jumped nearly 60% to 35.1 million cubic meters.

Fuel and energy accounted for 64.3% of Russian exports (compared with 60.3% a year previously), including 68.3% of exports to non-CIS countries (64.6%) and 36.2% to the CIS (32.8%).

Overall fuel and energy exports to non-CIS countries grew 36.1% in value and 5.4% in natural terms.

Exports in natural terms increased 18.9% for kerosene and 10.2% for bituminous coal. Exports declined 8.9% in natural terms for coke and 8.8% for liquid fuels.

Russian oil, petroleum product and gas exports:

11M 2018 11M 2018/11M 2017, % Nov 2018 Nov 2018/Oct 2018, %
'000 tonnes $ mln volume value '000 tonnes $ mln volume value
Crude oil 236 589,5 118 420,5 100,5 138,0 22 950,2 11 736,8 102,4 94,3
Petroleum products 138 448,6 72 138,8 100,4 134,9 11 787,4 6 878,6 103,7 106,1
Gasoline 3 851,1 2 267,9 97,4 120,8 294,7 181,1 83,0 80,1
Diesel, not containing biodiesel 51 024,5 30 892,7 108,6 145,7 4 499,0 2 978,1 113,8 113,5
Liquid fuels, not containing biodiesel 53 850,8 21 307,7 86,0 112,6 4 353,1 1 975,4 95,4 98,0
Liquefied natural gas, mcm 35,1 4 975,4 158,0 171,6 1,8 340,0 43,2 71,5
Natural gas in gaseous form, bcm 202,2 44 612,8 105,9 130,1 18,7 4 688,1 106,8 102,6

Source: FCS

Fuel and energy accounted for 0.9% of all imports in volume terms in 11M 2018, unchanged from a year earlier, including 0.5% of imports from the non-CIS (unchanged) and 4.2% of imports from the CIS (4.6%).

The imports increased 5.6% by value but fell 2.3% by volume.

Russian oil, petroleum product and gas imports:

11M 2018 11M 2018/11M 2017, % Nov 2018 Nov 2018/Oct 2018, %
'000 tonnes $ mln volume value '000 tonnes $ mln volume value
Coal 498,7 64,2 87,7 104,4 0,0 0,0 0 0
Crude oil 484,4 841,8 72,7 102,4 39,4 72,3 83,0 83,8
Petroleum products 6,9 3,5 21,8 24,6 2,3 1,2 140,4 153,4
Diesel, not containing biodiesel 55,2 35,5 36,8 53,4 2,2 1,6 61,4 71,7
Liquid fuels, not containing biodiesel 0,7 0,3 2,4 5,2 0,0 0,0 0 0
Diesel, containing biodiesel 0,0 0,0 - -
Liquid fuels, containing biodiesel 22,6 0,0 - -
Natural gas, bcm 8,5 152,7 106,7 123,1 0,8 16,3 133,0 137,4
Electricity, mln kWh 5 063,7 82,9 86,8 83,9 103,9 3,1 103,2 172,1

Source: FCS