18 Jan 2019 12:44

Cosmodrome might be built on Southern Kurils - scientists

MOSCOW. Jan 18 (Interfax-AVN) - Russian scientists are considering building a cosmodrome on the Southern Kuril Islands, according to a report prepared for the Korolyov Readings.

The report addresses floating components of launch sites. The author says that the enhanced seismic stability of such structures "would make it possible to consider the construction of launch sites in southern parts of Russia, such as the southern extremity of the Island of Sakhalin, the coast of the Primorye Territory, or the Southern Kuril Islands."

The author also suggests deploying floating structures on the dam lake near the Vostochny Cosmodrome, which is part of the Lower Zeya (Gramatukhinskaya) hydropower plant on the Zeya River.

Floating structures would be particularly effective in super-heavy rocket missions and could also store nuclear fuel, the author says.