30 Jan 2019 14:13

ICBM Sarmat can be shown to U.S. inspectors only after flight tests - source

MOSCOW. Jan 30 (Interfax-AVN) - Under the Russian-U.S. agreements on the limitation of strategic offensive weapons, the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile can be shown to U.S. inspectors only following flight tests, an informed source told Interfax-AVN on Wednesday.

"That could be done only after the flight tests," the source said, commenting on relevant media reports.

"Flight tests of the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles have yet to begin," the source said.

"The United States will be informed about the beginning of flight tests of the ICBM Sarmat," the source said.

It is expected that the RS-28 Sarmat, which was designed by the Makeyev State Rocket Center, will be produced at the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant.