Mixed day for Russian Eurobonds as medium term issues rise, long bonds fall in price
MOSCOW. Jan 30 (Interfax) - Prices for medium-term Russian Eurobonds rose moderately on Wednesday while long issues fell in anticipation of the outcomes of the Federal Reserve's meeting and of trade talks between the United States and China.
US Treasuries fell slightly, resulting in narrower sovereign spreads for the medium-term segment and only slight changes in the long-term segment.
Russia's benchmark 2030 bonds were up 2 basis points from previous closing by 6:15 p.m. Moscow time at 110.6% with yield at 3.895% per annum, 1 bp lower. Three-year US Treasuries were down 2 bps from previous closing at 98.53%, with yield up 1 bp at 2.55%. Spread between Russia-30 and UST3 was narrowed 2 bps to 134.5 bps.
Russia's 2043 bond was down 25 bps at 109.76% yielding 5.17%, up 2 bps; the 2042 bond was down 6 bps at 101.47%, with yield down 0.5 bps at 5.165%; the 2026 bond was up 30 bps at 101.47% with yield down 5 bps to 4.514%; and the 2023 bond rose 18 bps in price to 103.54%, yielding 4.03%, down4 bps.
The 2047 bond was down 18 bps to 97.81% with yield up 1 bp to 5.4%; and the 10-year bond maturing in 2027 was up 4 bps at 97.48%, with yield down 0.5 bps at 4.615%.