Some 45% of Russians, largest number over past 12 years, view Russia's national course wrong - Levada Center
MOSCOW. Jan 31 (Interfax) - The number of Russians, who believe that Russia is pursuing a wrong national course today, has exceeded the number of those who have the opposite opinion, according to the results of the January opinion poll conducted by the Levada Center pollster.
According to the findings of the opinion poll seen by Interfax on Thursday, 45% of respondents, the highest percentage over the past 12 years, said that Russia's national course is faulty; while 42% of those polled said that Russia is following the right course, and another 13% could not answer that question.
Vladimir Putin's performance as the Russian president is approved by 64% of Russians, and is disapproved by 34% of respondents, according to the opinion poll.
Some 33% of respondents are content with Dmitry Medvedev's performance as the prime minister, while 66% are discontent with that, according to the Levada Center sociological survey. At the same time, the government's work is approved by 38% of those polled, and is disapproved by 61% of respondents.
The majority of Russians negatively treat the State Duma's performance. Some 64% of respondents said they have a negative attitude to the lower house of parliament, while 33% of participants in the opinion poll positively assessed the work of this body of power.
Over half of Russian citizens, that is, 58%, approve the work of governors and the Moscow mayor, while 39% disapprove that, according to the opinion poll of the Levada Center.
The opinion poll was conducted according to the nationwide representative sample of city residents and rural residents amounting to 1,600 people, aged 18 and older, in 136 populated localities in 52 Russian constituent territories on January 25-31, 2019. Respondents were polled in individual interviews at their homes. The distribution of answers is given in percentages of the overall number of respondents along with the results of previous opinion polls.