Gazprom, Citymobil launch methane-powered eco-taxis in Moscow
MOSCOW. March 25 (Interfax) - A division of Gazprom and the Citymobil taxi service have launched a methane-powered eco-taxi project in Moscow.
Citymobil said in a press release that the project was being carried out in conjunction with Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo LLC (Gazprom NGV Fuel LLC) and the BERITAXI taxi hire firm.
At present, more than 200 Citymobil taxis use Gazprom's EcoGas fuel. Gazprom's equipment is being installed on hire in taxis.
Citymobil will be operating some 1,000 methane-powered taxis by the end of 2019.
Converting public transport to gas fuel is part of the City of Moscow's transport strategy.
Citymobil said in the press release that the use of natural gas vehicle fuel in Russia had increased by 145 million cubic meters to 535 million cubic meters between 2012 and 2017. It said some 330,000 automobiles would be running on gas by 2020, compared with 150,000 in 2017.
According to SPARK-Interfax, Gazprom subsidiary Gaz-Oil LLC and Status LLC, which is controlled by Gazprombank , each own 50% of Gazprom NGV Fuel LLC.