2 Apr 2019 10:10

Russian gas output grows 3.3% to 197.04 bcm in Q1

MOSCOW. April 2 (Interfax) - Gas production in Russia rose by 3.3% year-on-year to 197.04 billion cubic meters in the first quarter of 2019, the latest data from the Central Dispatching Department of the Fuel and Energy Complex (CDU TEK) show.

Gas production in Russia increased by 2.5% year-on-year to 67.56 bcm in March.

CDU TEK does not separately publish data on production by gas giant Gazprom . They are included as "estimated" figures in the entry "other resource users," which produced 147.26 bcm in the first quarter of 2019, including 50.3 bcm in March.

Leading independent gas producer Novatek produced 17.27 bcm in January-March, including 6.05 bcm in March. The operators of production sharing agreements produced, respectively, 7.31 bcm and 2.52 bcm of gas.

The biggest gas producers among vertically integrated oil companies were Rosneft , which produced 11.3 bcm in January-March, including 3.88 bcm in March; Lukoil with 5.12 bcm and 1.76 bcm; Gazprom Neft with 4.97 bcm and 1.73 bcm; and Surgutneftegas 2.37 bcm and 819.52 mcm.

Russneft (MOEX: RNFT produced 605.69 mcm in the first quarter and 213 mcm in March; Slavneft produced, respectively, 247.05 mcm and 86.32 mcm; Tatneft produced 244.43 mcm and 84.05 mcm; and Bashneft produced 163.42 mcm and 56.23 mcm.

CDU TEK still counts Bashneft production separately, although Rosneft acquired a controlling stake in the company in October 2016.