Growth in prices of most Russian Eurobonds accelerating slightly
MOSCOW. April 15 (Interfax) - The prices of most Russian Eurobonds are up somewhat on Monday evening, their growth having accelerated in the second half of the day, and sovereign Eurobonds are continuing to get support from high oil prices and the lack of negative sanctions news.
U.S. Treasuries have dipped in price only slightly, leading to an insignificant widening of sovereign spreads.
Russia's benchmark 2030 bonds were up 4 basis points from previous closing by 6:15 p.m. Moscow time at 111.71% with yield at 3.69% per annum, down 2 bps. Three-year U.S. Treasuries were down 1 bp from previous closing at 99.12%, with yield up 0.7 bp at 2.35%. Spread between Russia-30 and UST3 narrowed 2.7 bps to 133.7.
Russia's 2043 bond was up 21 bps at 112.72%, yielding 4.97%, down 1 bp; the 2042 bond was up 13 bps at 109.49%, yielding 4.93%, down 1 bp; the 2047 bond was up 79 bps at 101.81%, yielding 5.13%, down 5 bps; and the 2027 bond was up 5 bps at 100.02%, yielding 4.246%, down 0.8 bp.
The 2026 bond was up 7 bps at 103.18% with yield down 1.2 bps to 4.227%; and the 2023 bond was up 11 bps in price to 105.09% yielding 3.62%, down 2 bps.